We can ship products virtually anywhere in the United States or Internationally using the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your destination.

* Your purchase will be shipped out within 1-2 bussiness days after your payment.
* USA = 2-5 business day, standart shipping via USPS ( not include saturday & sunday )
* Worldwide = 14 - 20 business day, standart shipping via USPS ( not include saturday & sunday )


All orders are shipped from our warehouse near MASPETH, NY using USPS which typically takes no longer than 3-7 business days delivery in USA, twenty days delivery worldwide after manifested. Tracking details will be provided.

Please also note that delivery times are approximate and may require extra transit time because of unforeseen delays. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence unless previously agreed by us in writing.


Most expedited shipments are sent through UPS or FedEx. The exact service depends on the size and weight of your order.

Packages usually reach their destination in 2-3 business days, but occasionally take longer. Orders received after 10am EASTERN Time require +1 day to process.